We need your help to purchase new wireless microphones!  The FCC is selling the frequency that the majority of our microphones use. That means we have to replace 20 microphones in a short period of time. That combined with CMT having to find a new scene shop (landlord selling building) will strain our financial resources.

If you have already donated this season and/or signed up for Kroger community rewards and Amazon Smile, thank you!

If you would like to donate, there are three ways to help:

1) Direct charitable donation through our PayPal  account(now Fee Free).




2) Shop to support CMT!  

Kroger and Amazon will donate money to CMT just for shopping!

Go to krogercommunityrewards.com to enroll in the Community Rewards Program. Just add

CMT to your Plus Card using the number 28392 or search for “Cincinnati Music Theatre”. Once

your card is registered, simply use your card as normal and Kroger will pay CMT a percentage

of your total shopping bill with no charge in points or dollars to you!


Click on the button below or go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/31-6059423 to shop on Amazon

as usual with no cost to you and still get the same great Amazon deals!


3) By Mail 
please make your check payable to: Cincinnati Music Theatre, and mail to:

Mike Griffin, Treasurer
Cincinnati Music Theatre
10155 Sleepy Ridge Drive
Loveland, OH 45140

Please let us know how you want your name to appear in the programs for the season.